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Search UK Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (UK SIC 2007). Empty search will display all groups. 5 digits will search on exact SIC code otherwise Name is searched. Click on a SIC code in the table to show only that group.

Groups: 1 Activities: 72


94990Activities of other membership organisations n.e.c.


94990Animal protection organisations
94990Art clubs
94990Associations for the pursuit of a cultural or recreational activity or hobby
94990Automobile association
94990Bishopsgate Institute
94990Boy scouts
94990Boys brigade
94990Breed society
94990British Board of Film Classifications
94990British Legion (other than social clubs)
94990British Safety Council
94990Carnival clubs
94990Church Lads' Brigade
94990Citizens initiative or protest movements
94990Civic trust
94990Community centre
94990Community organisations
94990Conservation and Preservation Society
94990Consumer associations
94990Consumers' association
94990Craft and collectors' clubs
94990Cultural organisations (hobby)
94990Ecological movements
94990Environmental movements
94990Ethnic and minority group organisations
94990Film and photo clubs
94990Gardening clubs
94990Girl Guides Association
94990Girls' Brigade
94990Girls' Friendly Society
94990Grant giving activities by membership organisations or others
94990Grant making foundations
94990Historical club
94990Horse breeding society
94990Hunting and trapping (commercial) promotion activities
94990Legal Aid Society
94990Literature and book club
94990Lodge activities
94990Membership organisations n.e.c.
94990Motorists' organisation (not road patrol or touring service)
94990Music club
94990National council for civil liberties
94990National trust (the)
94990National union of students (not trading activities)
94990Poetry club
94990Protest movement activities
94990Recreational organisations
94990Rotary clubs
94990Round Table
94990Royal Automobile Club headquarters
94990Royal Horticultural Society
94990Royal Scottish Automobile Club
94990Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
94990Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (not animal hospitals or homes)
94990Scout Association
94990Sea scout association
94990Shire Horse Association
94990Social club (not licensed to sell alcohol)
94990Student associations
94990Student Union
94990Touring clubs
94990United Nations associations
94990War veterans' associations
94990Working men's club (not licensed to sell alcohol)
94990YMCA (not hostel)
94990Young persons associations
94990Youth centre
94990Youth club
94990Zionist organisation