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Search UK Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (UK SIC 2007). Empty search will display all groups. 5 digits will search on exact SIC code otherwise Name is searched. Click on a SIC code in the table to show only that group.

Groups: 1 Activities: 44


26301Manufacture of telegraph and telephone apparatus and equipment


26301Bells for telephones (manufacture)
26301Bridges for telecommunications (manufacture)
26301Burglar alarm and system (manufacture)
26301Carrier equipment (manufacture)
26301Cellular phones (manufacture)
26301Communication devices using infrared signal (e.g. Remote controls) (manufacture)
26301Cordless telephones (except cellular) (manufacture)
26301Data transmission link line (manufacture)
26301Delay lines and networks (manufacture)
26301Dial for telephone (manufacture)
26301Entrance telephones (manufacture)
26301Facsimile transmission apparatus (manufacture)
26301Fax machines (manufacture)
26301Fire alarm and system (manufacture)
26301Fire alarm systems, sending signals to a control station (manufacture)
26301Gateways for telecommunications (manufacture)
26301Infrared remote controls (manufacture)
26301Line apparatus (carrier, duplex and repeater) (manufacture)
26301Line telegraphy apparatus (manufacture)
26301Line telephony apparatus (manufacture)
26301Mobile telephone (manufacture)
26301Modems (manufacture)
26301Multiplexers for telephone exchanges (manufacture)
26301Pagers (manufacture)
26301Picture transmitter (manufacture)
26301Private branch exchange (PBX) equipment (manufacture)
26301Routers for telecommunications (manufacture)
26301Security alarms and systems (manufacture)
26301Subscriber apparatus (telephone) (manufacture)
26301Switchboard for telecommunications (manufacture)
26301Switching equipment for telegraph and telex (manufacture)
26301Telegraph apparatus (manufacture)
26301Telephone (manufacture)
26301Telephone answering machines (manufacture)
26301Telephone apparatus (manufacture)
26301Telephone exchange equipment (manufacture)
26301Telephone exchanges (manufacture)
26301Telephone handset (manufacture)
26301Teleprinter (manufacture)
26301Telewriter (manufacture)
26301Telex machine (manufacture)
26301Terminal equipment for telegraphic and data communications (manufacture)
26301Transmission equipment for telephone and telegraph (manufacture)