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Search UK Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (UK SIC 2007). Empty search will display all groups. 5 digits will search on exact SIC code otherwise Name is searched. Click on a SIC code in the table to show only that group.

Groups: 1 Activities: 59


22230Manufacture of builders� ware of plastic


22230Architrave made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Artificial stone made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Baths made of fibre glass (manufacture)
22230Baths made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Blinds made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Builders' ware made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Building products made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Ceiling coverings made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Ceiling tiles made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Cistern floats made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Cisterns made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Coving made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Dome lights made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Door frames made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Door furniture for buildings (handles, hinges, knobs, etc.) Made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Doors made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Double glazing made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Ducting made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Fencing made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Floor coverings (hard surface) (manufacture)
22230Floor coverings made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Floor coverings made of printed vinyl (manufacture)
22230Floor coverings made of supported vinyl (manufacture)
22230Flushing cisterns made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Frames made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Gutter and fittings made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Insulating (heat and sound) sheet, tiles, blocks and granules made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Intermediate bulk containers (other than drums made of plastic) (manufacture)
22230Lavatory pans made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Linoleum (manufacture)
22230Manhole or access covers made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Matting made of woven plastic (manufacture)
22230Meter housing boxes made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Prefabricated buildings made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Printed felt base floorcovering (manufacture)
22230Reservoirs made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Roof lights made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Sanitary ware made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Sheeting made of plastic for roofing and cladding (manufacture)
22230Shiplap cladding made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Shower baths made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Shutters made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Sinks made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Skirting boards made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Storage tanks made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Tanks made of plastic (open and closed) (manufacture)
22230Taps and valves made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Tiles (other than floor tiles made of plastic) (manufacture)
22230Tiles made of asphalt thermoplastic (manufacture)
22230Tiles made of vinyl asbestos (manufacture)
22230Vinyl floor covering (homogeneous and printed) (manufacture)
22230Wall coverings made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Wash basins made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Water stop and bar made of plastic (manufacture)
22230WC seat and cover units made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Weatherboarding made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Window blinds and accessories made of plastic (manufacture)
22230Window frames made of plastic (manufacture)