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Search UK Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (UK SIC 2007). Empty search will display all groups. 5 digits will search on exact SIC code otherwise Name is searched. Click on a SIC code in the table to show only that group.

Groups: 1 Activities: 46


20130Manufacture of other inorganic basic chemicals


20130Acid (inorganic) (manufacture)
20130Alkali (manufacture)
20130Aluminium compounds (except bauxite and abrasives) (manufacture)
20130Alums (manufacture)
20130Bromine and bromides (manufacture)
20130Calcium and calcium compounds (manufacture)
20130Calcium carbide (manufacture)
20130Carbon (manufacture)
20130Carbon black (manufacture)
20130Carbon disulphide (manufacture)
20130Chemical elements (except metals) (manufacture)
20130Chlorine and chloride (manufacture)
20130Chromium compounds (excluding prepared pigments) (manufacture)
20130Distilled water (manufacture)
20130Enriched thorium (manufacture)
20130Enriched uranium production (manufacture)
20130Flocculating agents (chemical) (manufacture)
20130Fluorine, hydrofluoric acid and fluorides (manufacture)
20130Fuel elements for nuclear reactors production (manufacture)
20130Halogens and halides (inorganic) (manufacture)
20130Hydrochloric acid (manufacture)
20130Hydrogen peroxide (manufacture)
20130Hydrosulphite (manufacture)
20130Inorganic acid (manufacture)
20130Inorganic bases (manufacture)
20130Inorganic chemical (manufacture)
20130Inorganic compounds (manufacture)
20130Iodine and iodides (manufacture)
20130Iron pyrites roasting (manufacture)
20130Lyes (manufacture)
20130Oxygen compounds of non metals (excluding carbon dioxide) (manufacture)
20130Peroxides (inorganic) (manufacture)
20130Pesticide inorganic chemicals (excluding formulated preparations) (manufacture)
20130Phosphorous compounds (excluding phosphatic fertiliser) (manufacture)
20130Plutonium processing (manufacture)
20130Potassium compounds (manufacture)
20130Radioactive compounds production (manufacture)
20130Radioactive isotopes (other than of uranium, thorium or plutonium) (manufacture)
20130Radioactive isotopes of uranium, thorium and plutonium (manufacture)
20130Sodium and sodium compounds (manufacture)
20130Spent nuclear fuel re-processing (manufacture)
20130Sulphur (manufacture)
20130Sulphuric acid (manufacture)
20130Uranium (enriched) (manufacture)
20130White lead (not in paste form) (manufacture)