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Search UK Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (UK SIC 2007). Empty search will display all groups. 5 digits will search on exact SIC code otherwise Name is searched. Click on a SIC code in the table to show only that group.

Groups: 1 Activities: 24


14200Manufacture of articles of fur


14200Apparel made of fur (manufacture)
14200Artificial fur and articles thereof (manufacture)
14200Capes made of fur (manufacture)
14200Clothing made of sheepskin (manufacture)
14200Cravats made of fur (manufacture)
14200Fur skin assemblies including dropped fur skins, plates, mats and strips (manufacture)
14200Furrier (manufacture)
14200Furskin articles (manufacture)
14200Furskin assemblies (manufacture)
14200Furskin pouffes, unstuffed (manufacture)
14200Garments made of rabbit fur (manufacture)
14200Hatters' fur (manufacture)
14200Industrial polishing cloths made of fur (manufacture)
14200Lambskin clothing (manufacture)
14200Manufacturing furrier (manufacture)
14200Mats and rugs made of fur (manufacture)
14200Moleskin finishing (manufacture)
14200Muffs made of fur (manufacture)
14200Rugs made of sheepskin (manufacture)
14200Rugs made of skins (manufacture)
14200Stoles made of fur (manufacture)
14200Trimmings made of fur (manufacture)
14200Wearing apparel and clothing accessories made of fur (manufacture)